While we've been open for a few months, with great crowds at our First Fridays Gallery crawl and other events, we decided to hold our grand opening and ribbon cutting in conjunction with our neighboring gallery, Midtown Artery. This is such a fast growing area, long the local arts district - bohemian and diverse hosting a number of galleries, boutiques, jewelers, local eateries from places like the Zen House to Naked Pasta. All local businesses!
Les Cormier, owner of Les Beaux Arts is such a lover of the arts that his excitement is contagious. Every time a new artist arrives, his eyes light up, and you can see how invested Les is in the mission of his gallery which is to bring a very diverse selection of art to the public's eye. He works tirelessly on recruiting new artists and cultivating visitors to the gallery and he and his staff of Patricia Wilcox and Szag Randahl are eager to talk about their artists backgrounds and their art and educate the viewing public on the various mediums and styles found in our gallery. Everything from woodworking to painting, pottery to encaustics.
Ever since being in the gallery, I've met so many wonderful artists and learned a great deal. We host close to 40 artists now in our gallery alone and so many have become teachers and friends, from Llloyd Thibodeau who taught me about the vanishing point to Patricia Wilcox who helped me a great deal with composition on my abstract landscapes. since I'm constantly experimenting and learning, I welcome every suggestion, comment, critique and bits of advice.
Hopefully by Saturday, I'll have some great photos!