So much more to say. So many highlights come back to me over and over as I reflect back on the Upstate Steampunk Con. First of all, Gypsey and Marla did an amazing job organizing this stunning event and thanks to their many behind the scene helpers as well, Brandon and Jennifer, who ran the gaming, Lennis and Howard, Elizabeth and people I don't know. A lot of folks from the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism) came out and knew each other. They contributed, by presenting panels, vending, and of course, creating amazing costumes. Attendees came from all over the country and were not disappointed.

Here are some of my favorite moments in no particular order: Seeing the vending room come alive and packed to the walls, watching Valentine Wolfe perform, buying goodies from Phinneas' table of tinker bits and seeing him with explosion dust on his face around where his goggles had been. Watching Tofu extend the wings Mr. Steampunk, Josh Smith made, watching in amazement as Elizabeth did her glowstick dance in her marvelous costume, (she says its better than getting singed by fire). It was straight out of a dream. Then seeing IFB perform his song about the Thames, "Grey Romance,"and being scared by Frank the rabbit from Donnie Darko when he put on his rabbit mask, watching Izabella Cullen (Lindy), a first timer at a con, doing middle eastern dancing and watching Captain Maelstorme Smythe (Shane) drum for the first time in a drum circle, both of them wearing expressions of sheer enjoyment. Then there was hanging out with Cindy, talking writing with Brian K. Ladd, seeing Megan (who was an awesome help in watching and packing up my vendor table) exchanging ideas for next year's con with Dr. Dayafter (Curtis), Missy, Jimmy, Josh, Matt, Max, and so many more cool people.

Just plain people watching.
If I had time and room for more hobbies, I would love to be a tinker. I'm so attracted to all the little odd bits and pieces that make machines. Wow !So many amazing inventions: the Time Machine, Gypsey's copper walking sticks, Organic Armories wonders.

There were a number of local authors selling their books, local musicians selling their CD's, art, a lot of craftsmanship, dueling, tea, coffee, conversations, panels, so much to offer. This is just the beginning. I had never been to any kind of con other than literary conventions so this was an eye-opener. I learned a lot, suffered sensory overload, wore out my feet, didn't get to talk to everyone I wanted to, got to know really cool people better, laughed, cringed, danced, participated in two panels, talked about writing, talked about art, collapsed with a brain stuffed full of information and I only scratched a tiny bit of the surface. Next year I want to attend more panels, stay up longer, talk to more people, sit in the wine room, dance more and relax into this stimulating alternative world.
So now, I'm off the listen to IFB and Valentine Wolfe and plot for next year's con.
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