I hardly ever paint with acrylics but they were at hand and I had the time while my granddaughter, Deven, worked on painting a bird house.
Over the weekend I started the largest painting I've ever attempted 36X21. It's on a wood panel I found at the SOS thrift store, I primed it and then started a large solitary figure of a woman. I'm using oil on this one and have it halfway finished. I did the face, hair and figure but want to add a summery dress because she's at the beach. /I had to lay it flat on my kitchen island to paint it because its too heavy for my easel. Then I had to keep hauling it into the living room, stand it against the fireplace and sit on the couch to examine areas I needed to accent of fix. It was pretty tiring. Finally I ended leaving it against the fireplace in an upright position and sat on the floor to work on the bottom section. I painted a good bit wet on wet, my usual method but pretty soon I had so many layers that when I went to make adjustments I was just moving paint around. So I'm having to let it dry so I can add the dress as a wash. I want it to be slightly sheer like a summer dress and show a subtle bit of the body beneath it like Sir Edward Burne Jones painted his clothing on his figures, such as "Hope" or "Spes," "The Golden Stairs and "The Garden Court." .
This will only be the second time I've tried working with a wash so I'll have to test it out first. .I'm using equal parts Turpenoid, Damar Varnish and Linseed oil to mix with the oil paint to we'll see how it works. It has to be painted over a completely dry surface, so it will be a test of my patience. I'm an immediate gratification woman when it comes to my paintings.
So I started on another smaller piece head and shoulders, on wood working with oils of a red head. At first I was basin g it on Raphael's "Hypatia" but she came out looking very contemporary and reminds me of a friend. That may have been my subconscious at work. She's almost finished but I have to do some more detailing on the face and shoulders.
As a break, my daughter ,Beth, and my granddaughters, Kendall and Deven and I went out to the SOS thrift store, then Michael's. I didn't find any art supplies this time but found a few things for the girls and a carry all bag for Aldi's. After Michael's we went to eat at Stax Omega and had a great supper with an amazing waiter. Sunday, Jeff and the girls took me out to Cheddars for my birthday and it was a huge disappointment. The service was bad and I was the only one happy with my meal. It was also so loud we could hardly carry on a conversation.
That's about it for now. I'll post photos of the two new pieces once they're finished.
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