Yeah - you read it right. Nine Inch Nails for 50 cents! 1994-1995, The Self Destruct Tour - that was my best find at the advance sale of our annual library book sale (we were invited for an hour, because we work at McAlister Square where they hold the sale). NIN on VHS - but I still have the machine! Two tape video footage, backstage, concert, crazy stuff, a young stage diving crowd-surfing Trent Reznor, way different from the man he is now, bus crash, bandmate's tip of finger cut off, Marilyn Manson, Jim Rose Circus,NIN on cello, DAvid Bowie and Trent in a duet. Never thought I'd tear up watching a NIN video. Courtney Love skulking in the background as she should be, if you ask me. Funny how something likes this can kick you right back. This was the mid-time of The Howling, everything in flux, The Crow and Gargoyles, Andy Tapeworm and Kieth Winchester working on the mag.
And the NIN set wasn't the only find, came home with a whole shelf of first edition hard covers by magical realism author, Isabel Allende and whoa, first edition Foucault's Pendulum, each one only a buck. All hail Rosicrucians and Freemasons, Kabbahalists and inventors, industrial music, Tesla, Bowie, Mesmer, and the late Kurt Cobain. How's that for some weird synchronicity?
Great week coming up: brain seminar in Columbia and Upstate Steampunk meeting at the Marriott on August 28th.
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