Signed copies which come with your choice of a matted 81/2 by 11 inch print of the oil paintings I created while writing Shaman Circus will be on ebay auction starting later today.
I decided to do this when I discovered booksellers were selling new and used copies, unsigned, on Amazon for more than the cover price! One was even $26.00 and the cover price is $18.99.
They didn't even state if they were signed. So why would someone buy them for more than the cover price when they can get them on amazon for $18.99?
Take note, the only copies I have signed have been those I put directly in the hands of my friends or people who came to my book signings. If someone is selling a signed copy, let me know and I'll put a photo of my signature up so you'll know you rec'd an authentic autograph. Don't believe every book seller you find on ebay. I purchased a copy of Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite, autographed, on ebay, only to receive it with a fake autograph. I have other books of hers which are signed and the signatures were not even close. So there are folks out there just ready to rip you off.
Go straight to the source when you can.
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