Thursday, May 26, 2011

Influences - the call of spirit; the movement of soul

There's nothing like the power of influences - those sensory moments and unforeseen triggers which set us back on our various paths of creativity.  It's as if a parade strides by, music playing, mimes and jugglers; visionaries and buglers; performers and portrayers and because of their enthusiasm, their ingenuity, their mesmerizing spirit, we feel summoned to join in, despite our doubts, our white page blocks, our fears. Suddenly, we are filled with ideas and  we rush towards a project with renewed hope and energy.  This is the call of spirit.  And as we work quickly, testing, exploring, creating, editing, erasing, recreating, we develop that idea into something which has never yet existed in the world.  Something unique and personal to ourselves, our own movements of soul - and that action has altered the world in some way, simply because you followed your gut and treated art as play.
Too often, we over think and overplay, turning the joy of our creativity into work, forgetting that our soul knows the way, our hands and eyes only need to heed the subtle messages crowding into our dreams, daydreams, imaginations.  As an expressionist style artist and one who likes to write magical realism, dark fantasy and steampunk, I've learned to let go and go at it. The method works for me and often results in my work surprising myself, many times revealing things hidden in my subconscious which I hadn't turned over in my mind until it appeared on a canvas or manuscript page. The heart and soul strings vibrate with the strings of the universe and it all comes together in a way as individual as a snowflake, as individual as you are, if you only listen.

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